Monday, November 3, 2008

The Wedding, part 1

So here we go... The Wedding. :)

September 20, 2008

Part 1 is just some pictures from the temple. Reception pics are going to take forever to go through so those will be along as soon as I get a chance to go through them. :)

When we first came out...

and some posed pictures...

Grandma Roe

Grandma & Grandpa Wilsey


Everybody (this was the best one where you can see most of everyone's faces)


more posed

Walking. I love this one cuz you can see my whole dress.

On the steps of the temple...

by a tree. (yay shade!)



Bench by the tree. Love my dress here.

So there you have it. Temple pics. Not a lot of stories here as most of these were posed. :)


  1. Yay! I love all of your pictures! Thanks for sharing! I am so glad that you have a family blog now! Don't forget to vote!!

  2. gorgeous!! you were so pretty and you two look tres cute :D

  3. I know you don't know who I am, I was just browsing through. Just wanted to comment on your gorgeous dress and very nice pictures that you got. Congratulations!
